I Hope You Dance

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving !

Well, the day is almost over. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving day. Ours was about as good as it gets. Loyce and Harold cooked the dinner. Jesse and I took a German chocolate cake and a cheese roll. We ate way too much. Then we went down the highway to Jesse's brother's house where there was more food. We watched the Cowboy game there. I'm home now and watching the Aggie and Longhorn game. Of course I'm pulling for the Aggies.

This year I am thankful for my friends and family, and my doctors and their staff.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Three Pounds ! :o)

Can you believe it? I gained 3 pounds in one week. My doctor is happy and ask if I wanted to cut back on the Megace (gives me an appetite). I told him I want to get to 125 pounds and then will cut back. I only take one little teaspoon each morning. Boy that stuff works!

I went to chemo today. They wouldn't give it to me the past two weeks because I had a temperature and the doctor wanted to take care with what was wrong with me before giving more chemo. I just feel so blessed to have such a wonderful doctor. He is so caring and nice. He comes into the chemo room and talks to the ladies that work for him and they are always laughing. They all stay busy, but have big smiles on their faces. I think they are so happy to work for such a nice guy.

That's all I have to report today. :o)

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Is It Tuesday?

I'm confused. I usually have chemo on tuesdays and I went yesterday. Now that I'm going downtown, my appointments are on Monday. It will take me awhile to adjust. :o)

Dr Report: Before I see the doctor they always weigh me, take blood pressure and temp. I weighed the same, but I think I really gained, but was weighing on new scales since I was at the downtown office. I had a temp of 101.8. My regular doctor was gone for the week and he had someone taking his place. She was really concerned thinking I might be getting the flu. I told her I didn't think so. I think it's just a cold. Anyway, she said they wouldn't give me chemo but would give me the iron drip which takes 1 1/2 hours. I have to go back next Monday for the chemo. She told me to take my temp everyday and if anything changes to call. I took it this morning and all was okay. I went to Gonzales to run some errands and when I got home I took it again and had 101.5, so I tood meds and laid down for a nap. I'm hoping this will all be over in a day or two.