I Hope You Dance

Saturday, November 08, 2008

My Epiphany

Epiphany, what an interesting word. Even though I read a lot and have a decent vocabulary, I had not heard of the word Epiphany until around 3 years ago. I was at once intrigued by the word and Googled it to find out more about it's meaning, This is what I found:

1. A Christian festival, observed on January 6, commemorating the manifestation of Christ to the gentiles in the persons of the Magi; Twelfth-day.
2. An appearance or manifestation, esp. of a deity.
3. A sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience.
4. A literary work or section of a work presenting, usually symbolically, such a moment of revelation and insight.

After reading this information, I realized I had an Epiphany in 1990.
I'd like to tell you the story.

It began on a hot night in August of 1990. I was married to my first husband, Donnie. We had gone to sleep in our cool air conditioned bedroom. Dusty and Chad had crawled into bed with us and Harold and his son Justin, who were spending the night with us, had gone to sleep on a pallet in our room. We were all cool and sound asleep. Suddenly, at 2:00 am there was a boom sounding like thunder right outside our room, followed by a bright flash of light. Then there was complete quiet. No air conditioner, no hum of appliances, no phone. All our power was off.

Donnie looked out the window and said he could see a semi truck crashed into a building we were constructing in our lot next door. We rushed outside to see if there might be a gas leak or anything else to cause danger. Harold went to wake our nearest neighbors to use their phone to call for help. It seems that within minutes our property was full of firetrucks, emergency crews, ambulance, electric co. trucks and what seemed to be half the population of our little town.

To make a long story short...once the sun started coming up we could see all the damage and could determine what had happened. It seems that the driver of the semi fell asleep, lost control of his truck and it ran into a large tree at the edge of our property. This caused the truck to head towards our house. It hit Harold's truck, which was in our front driveway. Thankfully this caused the semi to veer a little to the right and barely miss the corner of our front porch. It continued it's journey, tumbling over and over across the yard, and finally landed inside the building next door. The driver was found later and taken to the hospital.

All though the morning I would stay in the house for awhile, then walk out the front door to see how the clean-up was going. I would repeat this over and over. One time as I was walking to the front door I saw a figure that seemed to be formed by clouds. It was standing at the edge of the porch right where the semi had come within inches of hitting. It's legs were spread and feet were firmly planted on the edge of the cement porch floor. It's arms were spread and holding onto the porch roof, as if it were supporting it. Strangely enough, I wasn't frightened, concerned, or curious about this figure. I just walked out the front door and walked right by where I had seen it. I didn't think another thing about the figure until a couple from town came out to see the damage and ask if they could help us in any way. I suddenly thought about the figure and told the lady about it. Without any hesitation she told me that was my guardian angel and I knew immediately that she was right.

So that was my Guardian angel and my Epiphany. Now, 18 years later I often close my eyes and I can see that figure and a warm, comforting feeling comes over my body and I feel so wonderful.

I would love to hear your stories of Epiphanies, or your thoughts or comments.


  • At 10:21 PM , Blogger Robert said...

    I love the story

  • At 11:21 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

    Mary Ann, I remember when that happened! I do believe in guardian angels and sometimes they are people we knew..... Momma came to see Brannon when we brought him home from the hospital. She wanted to meet her new grandson... two years after her death. How wonderful that made me feel!! Years later when Brannon's little boy (now eleven years old) was born my daughter-in-law had a similar visit from a lady who wanted to see the baby..... she said that she looked familiar but she couldn't remember where she had seen or met her. The next time they were over she saw the picture I had of Momma that I had in a back bedroom and she said, "That's who came to see the baby!!" Was that an epiphany? I don't know but it makes me feel great every time I remember it!

    I love you friend! And I love your blog!!


  • At 3:08 PM , Blogger MaryAnn said...

    Robert, it's good to hear from you! Now get busy and start writing in your blog. I miss it.

    Elaine, that is so interesting. I do believe your Mom did make a visit. Jesse said a day or 2 after his Mom died he spent the night in her house and he woke up in the night to see her standing at the foot of his bed and she pulled the covers over him and then she was gone.

  • At 7:26 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

    Yes Mary Ann, you knew Momma and she was very proud of her grandchildren. Brannon was the only "grandchild" born after she passed away, and. well.... she definitely would want to know the great grands!!

  • At 2:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Mary Ann I certainly believe in guardian angels. After Earnie passed away, he came back 2 times to see me. It has been years since I have seen him, but who knows one of these days he may reappear .

  • At 9:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I remember there was a time when Stan and I went to the airport to pick up my other son Dan from Texas and while we were standing there this lady walked by and grabbed Stan's arm and said," has anyone ever told you that you have the most beautiful face"? As soon as that happened, which I am aware of this kind of thing,he looked at me and I looked at him and he said did you see that? I told him, yes, he had just been touched by a guardian angel. He turned around and the lady was gone. He had been going through some hard times for a while and he had been down alot. That pumped him up and he had the most gorgous smile on his face. I told him she was there to boost up his spirits and moral. She did just that.


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