I Hope You Dance

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

The Generosity of a Stranger

I had an appointment with my oncologist today. I arrived early and sat next to a lady, named Sherry, who was crocheting. I started talking to her about her craft and we had such a nice conversation. She had 2 large tote bags with her containing threads and other crochet projects that she was working on. She told me that she spent around $80 every 2 months on crochet thread. I ask her if she sold her creations and she said that she never sells them. She gives them away. Her husband has been having chemo for 2 years and she passes the time while at the doctors by crocheting. Before I went in to see the doctor Sherry dug into one of her totes and pulled out a beautiful deep pink doily, about 16" in diameter, with cat designs crocheted (sp?) into the piece, and gave it to me. I was so surprised and couldn't believe she would give such a lovely item to a stranger. I found out later that she has given them to people who work in that office and to many of the patients who get their chemo there.

After seeing the doctor, Sherry was still in the waiting room and I sat down to talk some more. I didn't want to leave as talking to her was so enjoyable. When I finally decided I had to go Sherry told me that she believes if she can make one person a day happy and put a smile on their face that she is happy too. What a wonderful gift she has.

Above is a picture of the doily she gave me. The color is one of the prettiest shades of pink I've seen and I will treasure that gift from now on and try my best to follow her lead and try to make someone happy every day.

I got a good report from my doctor. He said my CT scan shows that previously I had 2 spots on my liver. Now 1 has disappeared and 1 is still there but unchanged. The spot on my lung is unchanged also. He wants me to have a PET scan as it shows so much in detail. If that scan shows the same as the CAT scan, then I will be scheduled for surgery. The surgeon will zap the liver spot with some kind of radar gun and put all my plumbing back in place (boy, that will be nice!) After recovering from surgery he will send me to a lung specialist to see what we will do about the spot.


  • At 9:09 AM , Blogger Faith said...

    YEA!!!! God is answering our prayers and you are on the road to full recovery. Praise God!

  • At 10:08 AM , Blogger Melissa said...

    YAY!!!! That is such a good report. :) SO good to hear. And very cool meeting that lady and having that conversation. That's a real inspiration. Love you!

  • At 11:33 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

    God is soooo good! How can anyone not believe in him when he answers so many prayers! I know that I keep him busy and he answers every time.... maybe not always the answer I want but I definitely believe He answers every one! The ones for you he is definitely answering the way we want!! It thrills my heart to see you feeling stronger and better and to know that you will soon be back on that bike!!


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